Umang Monsoon Breeze Sector 78 Gurgaon is spread in more than 19 acres of land. It has obtained occupation certificate in year 2014. Monsoon Breeze having area 1244 sq ft offers 2 BHK on rent in Sector 78 Gurgaon. Owner has conducted renovation work and it is as good as new. This unit is located on lower floors overlooking green area. Two AC’s , two complete wardrobes, Modular Kitchen, Mesh Door, Light, Fans are part and parcel of the deal.
Size of bedrooms are 12 X 15 & 12 X 16 sq ft , Dining room 12 X 29 sq ft .
All amenities like club with swimming pool , table tennis, billiards , steam and sauna bath are operationals.
It is located 1 Km from National Highway 8 . Construction of new sector dividing road ( Sector 76 to 79 ) confirm better seamless connectivity . This road also enable to avoid toll and heavy traffic on National Highway 8 . Badshahpur Chowk Sohna road will become more closer . Travel time duration is 20 minutes .
All leading Hospitals, Banks , Schools and food giant like Haldirams, Harish Bakery are in easy approach.
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